Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tagging the tagger...

So, in respond to being tagged by my tagger, i would like to introduce you to my first tag ever....or is it even a tag?

Scattergories.'s harder than it looks! Erase my answers, enter yours. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, and things. Nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Jim.Broga

2. A 4 Letter Word: July

3. A Boys Name: Jeremy

4. A Girls Name: Julie

5. An Occupation: Juggler

6. A Color: Jade Green

7. Something you wear: Jewellery

8. A Beverage: Jack Daniels

9. A Food: Jellied eels

10. Something found in the bathroom: Janitors

11. A place: Japan

12. A Reason for being late: Just missed the bus

13. Something you shout: Just drop you weapons!!

Take it away Kerp and Hot Mama......


Hotmama said...

ambik award kat blog sue