Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tagging the tagger...

So, in respond to being tagged by my tagger, i would like to introduce you to my first tag ever....or is it even a tag?

Scattergories.'s harder than it looks! Erase my answers, enter yours. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, and things. Nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Jim.Broga

2. A 4 Letter Word: July

3. A Boys Name: Jeremy

4. A Girls Name: Julie

5. An Occupation: Juggler

6. A Color: Jade Green

7. Something you wear: Jewellery

8. A Beverage: Jack Daniels

9. A Food: Jellied eels

10. Something found in the bathroom: Janitors

11. A place: Japan

12. A Reason for being late: Just missed the bus

13. Something you shout: Just drop you weapons!!

Take it away Kerp and Hot Mama......


Tagged? Being a newbie at this blogging stuff, i was told by a much seasoned blogger that when you're tagged by other fellow bloggers, u have to respond this is what i'm gonna do... i'm supposed to reveal 15 random facts about me...i repeat random.. so here goes..

1) Balding

2) Could get really pissed in a split second..

3) Love chinese food

4) Love skinny women.. and i mean lanky ones..

5) Can't stay angry at someone for a long period of time

6) Anthony Bourdain's fan

7) Always broke

8) Procrastinator

9) Listens to Bon Jovi

10) Love to cook

11) Terrified of big boobs

12) Smokes a lot

13) Overweight

14) Arsenal is my passion

15) Used to know how to play the guitar...

I now pass the tag to HOT MAMA, since she is the only other blogger that i know.....hihihiihi take it away Hot Mama...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Office

Working in the same environment and with the same people for the past 10 years, i must say have created a unique relationship between all of us..(Nothing GAY here). It's something that don't come by overnight. Like what we all know, every rose has it's thorn... and just like my office, there are different type of characters which make up the masses. There are the show-offs dudes, ass-kissing dudes, party-pooper dudes, by the book dudes, gamer dudes, horny dudes, multi level marketing dudes, government project dudes, food dudes, smoker dudes and last but not least, me. I could fit in any one of the above category...depending on the circumstances. These characters make the workplace a more bearable place to to speak. So....why don't you tell us a bit about the characters at your workplace........

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friendship highway

This morning was somewhat an uneventful one till i got a call from someone who i have not been talking to for quite's all this work related quarrels that put a halt to our, shall i say friendship... well i guess shit like this does happen once in a while... but you know what.. i'm a lover not a may sound corny but that's just me. My temperament sometimes cloud my judgement up to point that i couldn't see something that is obvious... the workplace can be hell sometimes, especially if you're always backing down from potentially confrontational conversations with bosses and colleagues. All the hatred will then always explode in an unexpected manner witch sometimes even surprises yourself, to watch a situation degenerate right in front of your eyes. It's disheartening... but at the same time amazes me...

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, the title says it all... today is indeed my birthday. I just can't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday.. maybe since i was 12 or big deal right.. but somehow this year being over my 20's and going on 30's seems to have a "feeling of being lonely effect" infact i am alone right now.....sad, sad can't be male menopause right?..hihihi.. last year i did something for me and on my own.....self rewarding shit that i can't even remember now. This year however due to the "being broke after raya sindrom" i can't even reward myself with a pleasant dinner... the story goes....

The aftermath

It's been 2 days since i got back from the nest, and it's been a memorable eidul fitr,..despite being chocked up with the financial burden and missing my significant half seems to do little to dampen the is when you get back to your real world that it will start to take effect...the traffic was not too bad though. However, I did saw first hand how a car was overturn with the bloodied passengers still dangling motionless and being a Malaysian, had to slow down to look. Speed kills and we will never learn, we, meaning me included. Got into the office and logged in to my work e-mail and got shitloads of "work related" mail. Fark, here we go again.....