Monday, October 18, 2010

Somber mood

Rainy days are a part of our lives whether we like it or not, but for me these past few months have been more of a storm than normal everyday rain. I've failed a promotion interview, all paid for study opportunity, found out that i am not loved, and lose my calm in several occasions. That pretty much sums it all up..... I don't think my luck has gone any lower than this before... fack....fack...fack.... but looking at the bright side, when u hit rock bottom, the only other way is up right?


Unknown said...

Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini untuk info selengkapnya.

Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto keluarga dan trip, music, video dll dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)